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Autumn 2022 Level 1 and 2 Course

CONGRATULATIONS to our 2022 Autumn Level 1 and 2 RYA Learn to Sail course students for completing the course and qualifying!  The course ran smoothly with the exception of a couple of hiccups from the weather - Day 2 was particularly challenging for our students with heavy winds, and Day 4 followed suit, but they all did extremely well and we even had most sailing on their own with partners but without instructors in the boat by the end of Day 3!  The juniors did equally well in the topper boats, learning to read the wind and the different points of sail, and all have completed the course with flying colours!
Some of our students even went on to compete in the Pro-Am races the following Sunday, where they each pair with a 'Pro' to learn the art of racing!  See how they got on 


Our students learnt
Rigging and practiced Land Drill and Launching...

Practiced their sailing skills out on the lake...

capsize drill...(mostly on purpose!)...

And even practiced man overboard and Follow my Leader!

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