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Membership Application Form

Please complete the membership form below and click Submit.  We will get back to you soon.  If you would prefer to print a paper copy to hand in to the club, please click the button below.  Please note that if applying for a Junior's membership, a paper copy of this application form is required with parent/guardian's signature - to be handed in to the club or mailed to the address on the form.

Before completing an application, please view our Membership Types and Fees by clicking on the relevant button below.

We look forward to welcoming you soon!

Membership Application Form

Online payment can be made to HSBC Bank, Sort no 40-43-28, Account no 60785903.

Use your surname, initials and membership type as a reference to aid payment identification.


Applicants are urged to read the RYA leaflet "Blue Green Algae the Facts" a copy of which is displayed on the club notice board. Acceptance of membership by Sutton Sailing Club does not hold them liable in the event of personal injury, loss, damage or death either for damages or costs.


Junior applicants must obtain their parent's signature to the following statement on a paper copy of this application form which can be downloaded from the button above:

I approve of my Son/Daughter becoming a member of Sutton Sailing Club and I am confident of his/her swimming ability for sailing.


I hereby apply for membership of Sutton Sailing Club, which will be considered in accordance to the Club Rules, and agree to abide by the Club Rules during my membership. I confirm that any boat that I launch onto Powells Pool will be covered by at least £2,000,000 Third Party Indemnity insurance.

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